Exporting Catalog Items (from DEV)

Once a wizard/category is selected for export, Nintex Studio prepares a package that includes the following information for each wizard:

  • Catalog location and hierarchy

  • Metadata (ID, UID, name, description, etc.)

  • Wizard steps

    • Recorded data

    • Advanced commands

    • Applications in use

    • Credentials in use

  • References to other wizards in the catalog (that are either embedded or launched from the selected wizards)

Make sure that all embedded and launched wizards are located in the same library as the one from which you are exporting.

Making changes in the DEV environment

In the DEVenvironment, you can make changes to a wizard that was previously exported to the PRODenvironment (e.g., append new steps, revise logic, add new commands, remove existing commands, use embedded wizards, etc.)

Nintex Studio saves up to 10 history versions of all wizards and sensors. This gives you the ability to roll back to an older version of the wizard (prior to the change that was made).

If you want to manually maintain a working version of a wizard in your DEVenvironment, you can use the Duplicateoption in the catalog: Select wizard > Right-click > Duplicate.

If you choose to duplicate a wizard, make sure to make all revisions in the original wizard and not the duplicate, since the import process utilizes the original wizard’s UIDto update the wizard in PROD.